Porto Rafti

Athens – Barco in Porto Rafti


Whilst in the Porto Rafti area, the rather lovely bay which Richard found, we popped in Barco for a nutritious drink. It was well reviewed on-line and, perhaps most importantly, it was actually open which is always handy. There is a large indoor section, but I suspect most people prefer to sit outside because of the views.


The views over the water. As with all these places, there’s the downside that smoking is allowed in the outside areas, which gives that rather unpleasant (to me at least) smell to the whole arrangement. Fortunately, only one table was smoking here and it was quite airy. One day I rather hope that smoking is banned everywhere, but I suspect that might be some time away.


The menu.


The Mamos beer from Athenian Brewery, which was average, but the view and the free crisps made up for it. I’m easily sold. I blurred the glass as best as I could as it’s a Stella one and I have a sort of reputation to keep. Richard went for an orange juice, but he’s a very healthy person and gravitates towards fruit.


I thought about keeping the cat, but Richard refused to pop it in his car and offer it a better life in Dereham. Actually, on reflection, it probably would be better off staying on the Greek coastline in the warm with fish to catch.

Anyway, the venue didn’t feel like a tourist trap, the prices were reasonable and it was clean and welcoming. They did have the challenge of a dove that decided to go to the food collection area and merrily eat the things it fancied whilst chucking the rest onto the floor which I thought showed some determination.