
Belgrade Trip – Back to the Airport


Drawing this ‘fascinating’ series of posts to an earlier close than I anticipated as I need to start getting on wittering on about with this week, it was time after three days in Belgrade to head back to the airport. I worked out that I didn’t have to worry too much about Internet connection during the bus journey, as I could get the bus ticket QR code emailed to me rather than relying on the screen staying open. Given my lack of roaming options, I did though have to find public wi-fi to buy the ticket and luckily that was available not far from the bus stop. It was far too bloody hot again, but I didn’t dare sit in the shade in case my airport bus came and immediately drove off. The buses are only around every 40 minutes and I wasn’t risking sitting in the sun for any longer than necessary. It’s not that I moan about the heat a lot, but…… Incidentally, the bus ticket cost around 30p, so I couldn’t complain too much – or at least, no more than normal.


On the inwards journey it was dark and so I hadn’t seen anything, but it’s a rather picturesque view on the approach to and from the city.


And safely at the airport. One little problem with the bus is that it wasn’t air conditioned, so at least three people were struggling with the heat (I know this by their desperate attempts to fan themselves) and I can’t say that I was overly enjoying it. One person fell over which I suppose added to the excitement of proceedings, but it still seemed sub-optimal for all concerned. But, I’m always pleased to arrive back at the airport and I had cut this one very fine and arrived just four and a half hours before the flight. Once again, my caution of missing a flight does lead to some considerable sitting around airports, but I think that I might have mentioned that before.