
Belgrade Trip – Belgrade Fortress (Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments)


I liked a repurposed building, this was initially built between 1902 and 1904 for the General Staff of the Serbian Army. It was heavily damaged during the First World War bombings, but was repaired and used as the History Department of the General Staff until 1928. As an aside, if I joined the military, that’s where I’d quite like to work. Brave as I am, I feel my archiving skills would be better than my fighting skills. Anyway, I digress. The building then became used as a home for the military museum in 1937, but they were moved out in 1961 and it was given to the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments. I do wonder why such a lovely building that would make a fine museum has been given over to the organisation that likely hands out buildings that would make fine museums, but there we go.