
Carcassonne Day One : Walking from Carcassonne Airport into the City Centre


There’s a bus that goes from the airport at Carcassonne into the city centre shortly after each flight arrives. However, we weren’t going with that convenience and especially not at the luxurious price point of €6 each, so we decided to walk. I have form here, since I walked to and from the airport last time I came here.


Liam wanted us to walk along the equivalent of the M25, but my much calmer and more fearful mind thought that we’d take a rather more quiet and peaceful route.


Liam claimed that I was walking us into a retail park, but I’m a professional at these things.


And as if by magic, we stumbled into a McDonald’s. This was handy, they had charging facilities for my phone. Incidentally, and I don’t want to get sidetracked, but this was decent value at €6 (the same as the bus fare) and I got a fish sandwich which was better than I had anticipated. For food critics, we did have a little more local food as well later on during this weekend, but this was a suitable lunch for us. And, yes, I know it’s Heineken, but McDonald’s isn’t yet known for its craft beer range. Maybe one day they’ll have some Coolhead beer.


I twice got entangled by this bloody tape.


Some old vehicle.


Professional looking signage as we headed towards the canal.


I admit that the scenery wasn’t always spectacular.


But it improved once we got to the canal.


Approaching the centre of the city. I mentioned to Liam that there was an impressive castle at Carcassonne, but he was quite sceptical as he still couldn’t see it by the time we reached the centre.


That’s some canal… But more on this canal in a later post as we did a walk along it.


Liam, still sceptical, asked if that tower was something to do with the castle. I encouraged him to keep faith that there was actually a big castle to see.


This was a bit of drama, some hoarding that had fallen on a car that the police were trying to remove. I think they wondered why I was taking a photo, but they probably didn’t know I had a blog that needed some vague effort being made at content.


Liam by now had spotted the castle.


I think he was pleased that I hadn’t misled him.


And here we are at our luxury accommodation. By luxury, I mean so cheap that Richard wouldn’t stay there, but Liam and I don’t have very high expectations. The walk took just under two hours including the stop at McDonald’s and we were unanimous (well, I was) that the €6 was better spent on food and drink than on a bus fare. All rather lovely.