
Carcassonne Day Two : Carcassonne at Night


After the meal when I feeling rather more plump than I considered entirely optimal, I had started to take some photos of the town at night, but they didn’t feel sufficiently exciting so we thought that we’d return to the hotel.


A photo of the city before we left. Half-way back, we noticed that they’d turned the lights on to illuminate the whole castle, so we thought we’d traipse back to have a look.


We walked down to the bridge, but I thought it’d be a better idea to get some photos somewhat nearer.


Liam seemed excited by this as he wanted to climb a hill , but I’m less excited by such concerns.


We found a path that took us nearer to the castle.


I tried to be artistic, whilst recognising the limitations of my photographic skills.


My two loyal readers must be riveted at these photos, which are quite similar and taken near to each other.


I took a photo of my shadow. I should probably get out more.


We thought that we’d walk around the castle.


We stopped when I realised that the path got a bit too steep and I might fall off it.


I was pleased that we noticed the lights had been turned on, it truly added to the ambience of the whole arrangement.


Safely back at the hotel and Liam worked the vending machine for me so that I could blame him if my Orangina didn’t dispense.