
Gdansk Trip – Sexy Bull (Słony Spichlerz)


Słony Spichlerz is an on-trend food outlet, although I’ve only eaten at the pizza outlet here before (Czerwony Piec). Sexy Bull is the burger option at the food court, which feels modern, clean and well managed. I’ve excelled myself with the photography as ever, but taking a photo with the signage of Sexy Bull not really visible. My defence is that at the point when I took the photo, I hadn’t decided where to go out of the Smörgåsbord of options.


The staff member spoke English (it was ever thus…..) which was handy and so the ordering process was quick and efficient. The beer selection was limited to just Corona, but I thought I’d just roll with it, I’ve had worse drinks and the slice of lime always helps. The burger was well presented, although could have been just a little hotter, but it was cooked through sufficiently and it had a bit of spice to it. It also looked impressive amidst all the lettuce shrubbery, with the chips being firm on the exterior and fluffy on the interior. It was all rather pleasant, I had a view of the Motława River and I was enjoying being back in God’s own country that is Poland.