
Gdansk Trip – Woosabi


As I keep coming back to the same place, I’m starting to run out of decent restaurants in Gdansk that I want to visit, although I can think of worse problems to have in life. Woosabi is a small Polish chain of Asian cuisine restaurants and they have a rather smart looking place in Gdansk. I, maintaining my continental approach, decided to sit outside and was pleased that there were no wasp issues on this occasion. The service was polite and efficient, with an English menu being available. I was moderately amused when two customers who were seated in front of me started to have a conversation with someone they knew on the street. This involved a lot of shouting across another table who looked slightly unengaged by this whole arrangement. That was about as exciting as the entertainment got, but maybe there’s more drama in an evening.


There’s a cheap lunch menu available with meals at around £6, which seemed reasonable. It’s a Red Thai curry which was noted on the menu as being slightly spiced, and this was as it was delivered, with minimum spice. The chicken seemed to have been put in at the last moment so it hadn’t picked up much flavour from the curry, but nonetheless it was filling and keenly priced so was a suitable lunchtime option. Annoyingly, I forgot to check the beer into Untappd and that’s required some investigation to remember what it was. I have now, of course, corrected the beer omission on Untappd and I will try and avoid forgetting in future. I’m not sure what was on my mind, probably worrying about wasps or something. Anyway, the beer was Holba from the Czech Republic, a Pilsner that isn’t troubling the high score table on Untappd.

The whole arrangement did feel like it was produced by a chain, the decor was expensive, the menus were a little too professional and the food seemed pile it high and sell it cheap (or sell it expensive in the evening), but there is always a place for formulaic. Other than in craft beer, it is there that I demand small batch high quality products….. I feel I’m digressing though, this was a pleasant and relaxed lunchtime meal in the heart of Gdansk.