LiverpoolLiverpool Weekend

Liverpool Weekend (Day Two) – Closed Angel Vaults Pub


Excuse my brief flight of fancy here, but it felt slightly sad to leave the former Cain’s Brewery to walk down the nearby Stanhope Street to see what was the Angel Vaults pub which is now boarded up. Actually, it’s been boarded up for over fifteen years, meaning that its future looks troubled to say the least. It felt a little sad that there are all these people heading to the Baltic Market and bars on the former brewery site, but this pub is somehow not viable. What was perhaps once a centre of the community was raided in 2010 when the police discovered that it was being used as a cannabis farm, with the building not used since. The carvings above the windows are at least mostly in decent condition and if this pub is ever reopened I imagine it’s have plenty of character.

Also, apologies for the washed out photo, but it was too hot and the searing and overheating sun stressed my phone.