
Palma – Parròquia de Santa Eulàlia

There was a mosque constructed on this site in around the ninth century, with a new Christian church built in the mid-thirteenth century, although it wasn’t completed until the sixteenth century. The church was the location of King James II of Majorca’s coronation in 1276 and it’s thought that it might be where Ramon Llull was christened in 1232.

The organ and rose window. It was possible to get quite close to that rose window by visiting the church’s terraces.

This reredo dates from the early fifteenth century and I thought that it was one of the highlights of the church’s collection. The figures are St. John the Evangelist, St. Lucia of Siracusa (there’s an island named after her), St. Barbara of Asia Minor and St. Blasius of Armenia. The chapel that this is now located in was once a family tomb, but unfortunately for that family, the church decided to change its use.

The church’s altar.

The baptistry and the font was moved about quite a bit whilst they were constructing the church, before it ended up here in 1910.

The church wasn’t doing a brilliant job at welcoming visitors and I was fortunate I arrived when I did. I was welcomed by a friendly lady who gave me directions to the terraces and seemed genuinely helpful. She was replaced by someone rather more grumpy who wanted to close the church, although I admit I wasn’t rushed out. He was being quite direct with visitors who came in to look around and didn’t know that they couldn’t, with no help offered as to when they could visit. I sometimes wonder about churches like this, their whole premise is based around welcoming people…..