Scotland Coast to Coast

Scotland Coast to Coast – An Adventure Unfolds

My long-suffering friend Liam has agreed recently to one of my marvellous new ideas. What I thought was “let’s walk across Scotland”, because my last two coast to coast walks were such successes….. Although I’d better add, I have had one successful coast to coast, so my failure rate is only 66.6%.

We’re planning to walk from Kyle of Lochalsh to Inverness, to have a look at Liam’s lifeboat station. But look on a map at the terrain (for readers who already know the terrain, you don’t need to look at a map), I mean, what could possibly go wrong? We’ve debated camping chunks of it, but we’ve made that mistake before when we had to post all the camping stuff back to Liam’s wife as we overdid it. But, perhaps, we might end up with an adventure that has that element of challenge and jeopardy. Who needs luxury in the form of B&Bs anyway?

There will be more about this trip over the next few months, we’re planning it for early 2025. We do like questionable adventures, although in a fit of organisation and planning, Liam has been put in charge of ensuring that we go when there are no midges. And I’m in charge of ensuring that we don’t go through any snake infested areas of Scotland. We’re intrepid souls (well, sort of, Liam is a bit more intrepid than I am), so it seems that the rugged wilderness awaits.