
Tallinn Trip – Rost


Steve found this rather decadent food option for breakfast and it was near to where we needed to get our tram from. The queue wasn’t too bad when we got there, but at times it’s evidently a victim of its own success with a shifting line that sometimes snaked outside the door and onto the pavement.


The breakfast selection.


My blurry photo of the kitchen, but it’ll have to do. The cafe is cosy but modern, not an easy design model to be able to deliver. There’s also some high seating, which is my personal favourite arrangement for being comfortable, although I’m aware that others vary in that opinion.


And my cardamom pastry, which was actually really rather lovely and had a depth of flavour to it. The top was crispy, the cardamon was aromatic and sweet, although it might not have been the healthiest of breakfasts. To be fair, I often don’t prioritise the most healthy of breakfasts though, there’s a need for balance in life.


I can understand their logic here, it’s a small bakery which is very busy and has a fast turnover of customers. There are better options for people like me who like to see for ages with a laptop where it’s easier to get a second drink and where there’s simply more space. I noticed they’ve had a little push-back about this on-line, but cafes such as this aren’t equipped to be offices for those who want to spend three hours working in exchange for the purchase of a single espresso.

It’s all very on-trend, functional and welcoming, a rather good choice from Steve and we were unanimous in that. To be able to maintain an average of 4.8 on Google Reviews really is very impressive though in such a high volume business. We left feeling more alive and a little more caffeinated.