Tallinn Trip – The Flight Back Begins
Okay, buckle up buttercup, because this Tallinn saga is hurtling towards its grand finale (much like Susanna storming up those steps, bless her!). I’m sure I’ll come back to fill in some gaps, but for the moment I think I’ll draw this riveting series of posts of our Tallinn trip to a close. Above is Freedom Square (Vabaduse väljak) with St. John’s Church in the background and the Victory Column (Võidussammas) to commemorate those who died during the Estonian War of Independence.
So, the final day dawned, and fuelled by my usual travel anxiety and an insatiable craving for complimentary croissants, I bolted for the airport solo knowing that it was only about an hour walk.
By chance, a bus stopped near to me at a bus stop which was an airport bus and since I still had my Tallinn Card with free public transport, I rushed on it. This arrangement promptly meant I was very early arriving at the airport, but plus ça change….
Just five hours before my flight, so once again I cut it quite fine. I have never missed a flight and I know that it will happen at some time and I’ll likely post very extensively about it.
The terminal at Tallinn Airport was packed….
Ours was the 11:30 flight to Stansted Airport.
Right, just two posts left in this series, the lounge and the flight. I bet my two loyal blog readers can’t wait to see what I’m start writing about after those. I loved a bit of tension and anticipation.