
Wizz Air – All You Can Fly Subscription

This is certainly a brave and innovative model launched by Wizz Air today, it would be tempting if I was able to take a few more flights at the moment. For just under £450 a year, customers can get any flight for just £9 per sector. It sounds a rather good deal, some tickets routinely go for £150 or more, so it’s potentially a marvellous arrangement. However, there are quite a few caveats built into the model, not least hidden away that Wizz Air are reserving the right to restrict the number of tickets available to those who have the pass. This sounds like something more akin to the British Airways limits with Avios, just having a limited number of seats per flight that can be booked that way. Customers with the pass would need to be very flexible given the limitations offered.

If it transpires that the only limitation is a need to book less than three days out, then it looks like a tempting offer for digital nomads, travel junkies and anyone who commutes regularly. I rather suspect though that there might be some issues ahead here, but if there aren’t, I might well be getting a pass next year….. I know Wizz Air don’t have the best reputation at the moment, but I’ve never experienced any issues with all of the flights that I’ve taken with them.

Although, and in a more environmental friendly sense, it’s a shame that there isn’t a version that allows travel by train for just £9 per sector.